
6 Month Health Plan

Welcome to your own personal journey to health and wellness! This 6 month program is designed specifically for you and your intentions. My goal is to provide you with the necessary tools to push forward in areas that feel stagnant and ready for change. Quite often this revolves around so much more than the food we choose to eat. 
The Details:
After a sit down meeting and a health history I start putting a plan together to optimize your wellness goals. We meet every other week (twice a month) to go over every piece of the plan and adjust as needed. This is also an opportunity to add/subtract goals based on whatever progress has been made! Whether it’s a monthly grocery shop together, new meal plans, meditation schedule, or movement accountability we have the opportunity to work together and optimize your journey.
The Why:
6 month plans are imperative in creating whole body wellness. In a 6 month period there will surely be birthdays, celebrations, holidays, work stress, family functions, and so on to put your work into practice. This allows time to create new habits and really understand the psychology of what drives your health goals and why we are on this journey together in the first place. Plus, I also have this time to be your accountability partner and move with you on this path to creating this new lifestyle. No shame, all growth. Even if you step back you are still moving forward, because you can realize it’s a step back.


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